- ALL Works must be dry.
- ALL Works must be ready to be mounted.
- Mark all works at the back with a permanent marker with Title, Medium, artists’ Name and Cell no.
- Provide 2 exhibition tags with each work of art.
- All art MUST remain in the gallery for the full duration of the exhibition, even when sold. No new works to be added or exchanged.
- It is the responsibility of all artists to make sure of the hanging system used by each gallery. The Centurion Gallery has very thick hooks so the Crocodile hooks do not work.
- ART ON PAPER OR BOARD (drawings, pastel etc.) must be supplied with at least 2 binder or bull dog clips on the artwork AND a piece of string in between to hang it with. A piece of mount board under the clips will prevent indentations on paper. Artwork on paper or board can also be protected with a piece of clear Acetate as a front cover. Obtainable from art- or stationary shops such as PNA, Forum or Her-Annies. It comes in different sizes.
- ARTIST ETHICS. If your artwork is sold within 3 months of the exhibition by somebody who saw it there or on internet, commission needs to be paid to the Gallery. Please sell it at the same price that it was presented for at the exhibition. You can’t sell works exhibited on the Internet while on exhibition.
- SPACE. Every artist has a limitation of 3 works each and/OR a 3m x 3m space (all exhibitions).
- Member Exhibition – NO Theme (members to supply eats and drinks).
- Artist of the Year – Theme (CAA to supply eats and drinks).
- ALLE werke moet droog wees.
- Alle werke moet hanggereed wees.
- Merk alle werke met permanente pen met Titel, Medium, kunstenaar se Naam en Cell no.
- Voorsien 2 uitstal naamkaartjies per kunswerk.
- ALLE KUNS MOET in die Galery bly vir die uitstallingstydperk. Selfs al is dit verkoop. Geen nuwe werke mag bygevoeg word of omgeruil word nie.
- Dis elke kunstenaar se verantwoordelikheid om die galery se hangsisteem te ken. Die Centurion Galery het ‘n dik hangsisteem dus werk die krokodilhake nie.
- KUNS OP PAPIER OF BORD (tekeninge, pastel ens.) moet ten minste 2 “binder or bull dog clips” met ‘n tou tussenin om aan te hang. Stukkies Monteerbord kan onder die “clips” gesit word om merke te voorkom. Deurskynende Asetaat kan aan die voorkant aangebring word vir verdere beskerming. Asetaat is verkrygbaar in verskillendes groottes by kunshandelaars, asook skryfbehoeftewinkels soos PNA en Forum of Her-Annies.
- KUNSTENAARETIEK. Indien werke binne 3 maande verkoop word na die uitstalling en gesien was met uitstalling (internet of by galery) moet die kommissie steeds aan galery betaal word. Verkoop dit asb teen dieselfde prys as by die uitstalling. Kunstenaars kan nie werke verkoop op die Internet terwyl dit uitgestal word nie.
- SPASIE. Elke kunstenaar is beperk tot 3 werke en/of ‘n spasie van 3m x 3m benut (alle uitstallings).
- Ledeuitstalling – GEEN Tema (lede voorsien kos en drinkgoed).
- Kunstenaar van die Jaar – Tema (CKV voorsien eet- en drinkgoed).
Members' Exhibition
The Centurion Art Association presents the “Members’ Exhibition” during March each year where members of the association can exhibit their art to the public
Artist of the Year
During September each year all members of the association can showcase their interpretation of the specific year’s theme in a medium of their choosing.
A panel of independent judges choose the category winners as well as the association’s “Artist of the Year”
A panel of independent judges choose the category winners as well as the association’s “Artist of the Year”
Solo Exhibition
On occasion, some of our members get the opportunity to exhibit their work at the Centurion gallery and/or elsewhere.
We are extremely proud and privileged to share those details